
Hosting Hope: Cooper Murray & RODS Heroes Seek Host Families | Featured on ABC 4 NEWS

Bringing Hope with Cooper Murray & RODS Heroes: In Search of Host Families

Get ready for a heart-touching story of change and connection that's lighting up lives! 🏠 Dive into this touching video as we explore the inspiring efforts of Cooper Murray and RODS Heroes, reaching out to children seeking loving homes. Join us for an insightful conversation with Brady Murray, the president of RODS Heroes, as he unveils their impactful initiatives.

RODS Heroes is on a mission to offer a fresh start to children longing for families. Through their hosting program, they're granting kids from Colombia a unique opportunity to experience Utah's culture and warmth for three weeks. This bridge of connection has yielded incredible results, with an astounding 92% of hosted children finding their forever families.

For those who want to make a meaningful impact, adoption is just one avenue. RODS Heroes' dedicated advocates share these children's stories and the organization's far-reaching influence, creating ripples of transformation. Cooper Murray, along with his adoptive family, embodies the boundless power of love and acceptance.

Curious about becoming a host family or eager to learn more about RODS Heroes? Visit our website: https://rods.org/. Join us in embracing this heartwarming journey and witness how a simple act of kindness can reshape a child's destiny.


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